It's good for you to rub your hands first in the morning

After getting up in the morning, the human organs will start a new day's work after a night's rest. With the increase in human activity, the heart rate will also accelerate, so pay attention to the recovery of the heart and lungs in the morning. It can be done by rubbing the palm of your hand, rubbing your fingers, etc., by stimulating the Lao Gong point of the palm, the heart is excited, the function of the respiratory system is enhanced, and the health care effect is exerted. When rubbing the palm, combine the two palms, rub back and forth, and rub the palm as much as possible.
Back in the afternoon. 11:00-13:00 This period is a sunny period, often sunbathing on the back, can play a role in replenishing human body yang. When you are basking in the sun, you can also take off your hat and let the sun enter your body from above. "This will work better.
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Foot bath before going to bed at night
After a day of activity, the body will feel tired at night, especially the liver and kidney need to recuperate. The best way to recuperate at this time is to soak your feet. When you soak your feet, the heat in the water can enter the body through the soles of the feet, thereby saving the kidney and liver meridians in the body. In particular, Yongquan point on the sole of the foot is the first point of the kidney meridian. In the evening, under the stimulation of hot water, it can eliminate fatigue during the day and nourish kidney and qi.
Avoid sitting for long periods of time as it will hurt you. Sitting is necessary to eliminate fatigue, but sitting for a long time will cause muscle atrophy. Therefore, the elderly should participate more in outdoor activities suitable for themselves, strengthen muscle exercises to enhance physical fitness.
Avoid standing for a long time, people who stand for a long time will hurt the bones. The qi and blood movement of the elderly depends on the combination of exercise and rest to adjust the balance. If you stand still all the time, it will affect the operation of qi and blood, make some tissues and cells of the body malnourished, and cause stagnation and blood coagulation, resulting in disease Sundaymode.

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